W Hartford Civil Defense

Like many communities, West Hartford took Civil Defense seriously in the fifties, sixties and seventies.

???????????????????????? Mrs. Daisy Young, West Hartford Civil Defense Officer at Town Hall. Feb. 29, 1952.

Civil Defense display at American Legion hall in West Hartford. 1952?

Apparently as a result of the Korean conflict a aircraft spotter program
was started for the first time since WWII in WH.? Above:? Barrows at Civil Defense Air
Spotter shack on top of West Hartford town hall, March 1, 1952.

Another view of "air spotter" Barrows on town hall roof. March 1, 1952.

Like many communities,?air raid sirens like the one below were deployed around?West Hartford.? Thankfully they were never used for their original purpose, attack warning, but many residents will recall how they were tested every Saturday at 11 am.

Federal siren on top of town hall in West Hartford center.? Avon mountain
in the background.

Close up of Federal model 3R-C20 air raid siren atop town hall.? 2010 photo.

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